Brandi Belle
- From Qentin R 10 years ago
- Description
I have always tried to give my fans what they want...may it be pleasure, pain, sensation, humiliation, or in this instance horror and shock.Watch this new update if you dare, and afterwards run out into the streets and tell your friends how wonderful it can be to be scared to death. Now i dont know about you guys but i have never met a monster i didnt like..and in this episode you all will meet a terrifyingly beautiful monster who refuses to die until what she wants has been fullfilled. Fortunatly for all of you it seems what she wants will never be fullfilled. To escape a pitiful and painful yet blinded death one would think would be be free of such pain, however in this story my friends i think you will find a sense of horror you may never want to end. I will leave you with only these words...believe in the brandibelle or let the streets flow with the cum of the none believers.....i hope i wasnt to scary there guys enjoy the update i know i sure did!!!!