with both eyes open

🎬 Brandi Belle with both eyes open - Unlock Full HD video Watch Full Video
  • From Johny K 10 years ago
  • Description

    hey guys do you or someone you know sleep with there eyes open? I have a friend who does id didnt bellieve it until i saw it for myself and this is what gave me the idea for this shoot. Me and my friend karen tackled this subject the only way we know how...with some scorching hot sex!!!! Now while this shoot was all fun and games i actually did some research on this and it can become a serious problem for some it is a form of muscularBecker's muscular dystrophy and has all sort of negative side effects to the human brain...however, it can also be used as a great benifit as we displayed in this shoot...you know how much i love attacking guys in their sleep (which is why i love a guy who is a deep sleeper) and guys if youve ever been attacked in yoursleep ive just demonstarted a great way to get back at whatever girl is trying to have her way with you without you knowing it....watch this video and you'll know exactly what i mean!

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