Grandpas Fuck Teens

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  • Channel Grandpas Fuck Teens
  • Description

    Jimmy is sitting on the bench reading his paper, enjoying the afternoon and reminiscing about his youth and hard dick, when a divine apparition asks him for a light. There is a moment when he blinks and thinks he's died and gone to heaven, because she stays on the bench next to him, asking how he is. Her smile could light up a room and those smoky eyes definitely set his pulse racing. At this point, Jimmy is certain he is in heaven, she rubs his thighs and invites him back to her place. His old bones creak as he gets up and he won't even dare to think of why he is going with her, but they are on the couch kissing already and she is opening his fly. His dick is getting hard, surprising even him... He hasn't had a proper hard on in a while, but she sucks his cock, until he can feel the soft back of her throat against the tip of his dick. She pulls her shirt open, and he takes her big erect nipples in his mouth and sucks on them as if he was still a baby. She is getting turned on now too, he can feel the heat of her crotch through the skin tight pants. She peels off her pants slowly and shows him her tight little cunt to eat, and man, he licks it, for it tastes better than anything he's tasted in ages. After she mounts his dick, making it slip into her hot wet teen pussy, and he hasn't felt anything this good since he was 20 and fucked the neighbour's virgin cunt. He makes her cum on his dick over and over, and looks down at her smooth tight skin, perky tits and he shoots a big hot load onto her beautiful tanned stomach.

  • Tags Teens (18+) Old and Young Pornstar

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